Zum Durstigen Gärtner (The Thirsty Gardener), garden colony pub, Berlin
logo and animation designs 1998
Germany has an old tradition of "Garten-Kolonien" or garden colonies, collections of small plots of land (known in Britain as allotments). Working class people, who live mostly in apartments, can rent these plots to grow their flowers, fruit and vegetables and relax with their family and friends. Each plot has some kind of building, ranging from a humble hut or shed to quite fancy chalets. The colonies have a particular social function, and this was especially true in East Germany during the GDR times.
Zum durstigen Gärtner (The Thirsty Gardener) serves as a pub and social centre in the midst of a suburban garden colony in south-eastern Berlin. The management wanted to widen the pub's appeal by offering new facilities and entertainment. I designed a website as part of his advertising campaign; it reflects not only the particular charm of the locale but also the management's own taste.

See also:
The Thirsty Gardener animations